These cookies do not store any personal information. They are subdivided as follows:. The quality of the newsfeeds is good and I like reading different firms' contributions on the same topic, as it provides an opportunity to compare their insights. These new policies have created significant obstacles for companies that are not established in Abu Dhabi but which have qualified technicians elsewhere in the UAE ready to visit facilities and perform the necessary services. The application procedures for receiving this security pass have recently become substantially more stringent. cnia pass application

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Events from this Firm. Secondment UAE law requires that an employer sponsor the work and residence visa of foreign national employees, which are generally not permitted to work for any company other than the sponsoring employer. A branch can be established through a registration process that requires a local branch manager and a UAE national to act as the service agent of the branch colloquially referred to as a 'sponsor'.

Specialist advice should be sought about your specific circumstances. Cnka Voser Schellenberg Wittmer. It is common for multinationals to establish a business in Abu Dhabi by way applidation a foreign branch.

If investors have not yet set-up a corporate vehicle, they should make applicayion familiar with the new options provided by the DLI. These cookies do not store any personal information. Follow Please login to follow content.

cnia pass application

Who can apply for such a pass? Only companies with a commercial license in the Emirate of Abu Dhabi are eligible to obtain applucation security pass. Power and water companies other than ADNOC group companies may require that a branch have a different type of permitted activity listed on the commercial license of the branch.

If investors have already set-up their structure, they will only have to obtain relevant CICPA passes and add appliation respective costs to their Abu Dhabi vehicle to attribute such costs to their ICV score.

Pazs this respect, Lexology provides a buffet and I make the assessment. In addition, security sasses will not be issued to persons holding a tourist or free zone visa. Do you have a Question or Comment? In this way, any seconded employees who acquire an Abu Dhabi residence visa should be able to apply for the CNIA security pass. AED ; Security pass vessels: Real Estate and Construction.

Security passes for ADNOC facilities - Lexology

Since the establishment of the United Nations' World Commission on Environment and Development, sustainable development has been gaining momentum in the private equity PE industry. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment.

cnia pass application

The CNIA requires that "oil and gas field services" be listed on the commercial license of a branch that is applying for a security pass for ADNOC group company facilities. Corporate and Company Law.

Please contact customerservices lexology. Many of the actual requirements of the security pass application are not published and are only revealed during the application process. Temporary permits can be pasd for a period ranging from one day to one month. Out of these cookies, the cookies that are categorized as necessary are stored on your browser as they are essential for the working of basic functionalities of the website.

AED ; Security pass vehicles: In the past, investors may have delegated such responsibilities to their respective customers. As such, the secondment option is not recommended as a permanent solution to obtaining the CNIA security pass. Corporate Cross Border Acquisitions.

Cnia pass application download

CICPA Security Passes are generally issued for individuals, companies, vehicles operated with or without drivers and vessels conducting work in sectors which are considered to be part of the critical infrastructure in Abu Dhabi. Other problems reported have been that appljcation sponsoring company in Abu Dhabi does not have the proper activities listed on its commercial license.

Energy and Natural Resources. DLI allows applicatipn zone companies to operate onshore in Abu Dhabi, Al Ain and Al Dhafra regions without leasing a separate office or engaging a local partner or sponsor.
